|  Ramzi Chamat

Buying a home: A unique opportunity for savings by 2025.

In an economic context marked by historically low mortgage rates and a significant increase in rents, the Swiss real estate market presents exceptional opportunities for future homeowners. Becoming a homeowner is a major decision that can offer long-term financial stability and an improved quality of life. This article explores why buying a home could become more advantageous than renting by early 2025, based on recent studies and market forecasts. We will analyze the current economic factors, the financial benefits of homeownership, and the prospects for the Swiss real estate market's evolution.




In an economic context where the question of access to homeownership is becoming increasingly pressing, many households in Switzerland are wondering whether it is better to buy or rent their home. Traditionally, renting has often been seen as a more flexible and sometimes more affordable option, especially in large cities where real estate prices can be prohibitive. However, recent developments in the Swiss real estate market could well reverse this trend.


A recent UBS study reveals that by early 2025, buying a home could become more economical than renting. This perspective is primarily fueled by the continued decline in mortgage interest rates and the significant increase in rents. In this article, we explore the various reasons that make buying a home increasingly attractive, the financial benefits of becoming a homeowner, and the forecasts for the Swiss real estate market in the coming months.



I. An Evolving Economic Context


The current situation of the Swiss real estate market is marked by two major trends: the decline in mortgage rates and the sharp rise in rents. According to a recent UBS study, homebuyers in Switzerland currently have to bear heavier financial burdens than renters for similar properties. The annual costs for a four-and-a-half-room apartment with 110 square meters of living space amount to 32,500 francs in the first quarter of 2024, while the annual rent for such an apartment is 30,500 francs. This represents a property premium of 7%.


In the summer of 2023, this surcharge was 16%. This difference is mainly due to mortgage interest rates, which were higher at that time. Current forecasts indicate that a person who took out a long-term mortgage during this period should bear additional cumulative costs of nearly 50,000 francs by 2033. However, thanks to the continued decline in mortgage interest rates, this burden has significantly decreased.



II. Key Factors in the Reduction of the Property Premium


Several factors explain the decline in the property premium. The main driver is the continued reduction of key rates by the Swiss National Bank (SNB). In response to global economic conditions and international monetary policies, the SNB has gradually lowered its key rates, making mortgage loans more affordable for potential buyers.


By early 2025, the property premium is expected to decrease by another 3%. This trend is observed throughout the country, particularly in the cantons of Bern, Solothurn, Aargau, Schaffhausen, and Thurgau, where the premium is already below 5% in many places. Similarly, in some regions of the cantons of Vaud, Fribourg, and Valais, buying a home is already cheaper than renting. However, mountain regions still record the highest property premiums.



III. The Benefits of Becoming a Homeowner


The acquisition of real estate offers numerous financial and personal benefits. First, being a homeowner allows you to stabilize your expenses by avoiding rent increases. Indeed, rents in Switzerland have increased significantly in recent years, a trend that is expected to continue in the future. By buying a home, you can fix your mortgage payments for a set period, protecting yourself against rent inflation.


Moreover, owning real estate represents a long-term investment. The value of real estate tends to increase over time, which can generate significant capital gains when you decide to sell your property. This investment can also offer tax advantages, such as the deduction of mortgage interest and maintenance costs from your taxes.



IV. Real Estate Market Forecasts


According to experts, the current conditions of the Swiss real estate market should continue to evolve favorably for buyers. The continued decline in mortgage interest rates makes home loans more accessible, while the rise in rents increases the attractiveness of homeownership. Additionally, economic reforms and housing support policies implemented by the Swiss government aim to facilitate access to homeownership for a larger number of citizens.


Forecasts indicate that by early 2025, the conditions for buying a home will be even more advantageous. For those considering buying, it is important to monitor the evolution of mortgage rates and stay informed about buying opportunities. Experts recommend consulting financial advisors and real estate agents to get personalized advice and information on the best options available.



V. An Opportunity to Seize


The combination of falling mortgage rates and continuously rising rents makes buying a home in Switzerland increasingly attractive. Forecasts indicate a downward trend in the property premium, making buying a home more affordable than renting in many regions. For those considering buying, early 2025 could be the ideal time to make this purchase and benefit from the favorable conditions.


Investing in real estate is not only a wise financial decision but also an important step towards long-term stability and security. By becoming a homeowner, you have the opportunity to personalize your living space according to your tastes and needs, which can improve your quality of life.





The Swiss real estate market currently presents unique opportunities for potential buyers. The decline in mortgage interest rates, coupled with rising rents, creates a favorable context for buying homes. By early 2025, becoming a homeowner could not only be more affordable but also offer significant financial advantages over renting.


To maximize your chances of taking advantage of these favorable conditions, it is crucial to stay informed about market trends and consult industry professionals. Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, the current conditions of the Swiss real estate market offer opportunities not to be missed. Take the time to carefully plan your purchase, evaluate your financial options, and make the best choice for your future.


In conclusion, the continued decline in mortgage rates and rising rents in Switzerland make buying a home an increasingly attractive option. For those considering becoming homeowners, the coming quarters could offer the ideal time to make this investment and benefit from the long-term advantages it provides. Do not miss this unique opportunity to save money and secure your financial future by investing in real estate.

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