|  Ramzi Chamat

The Swiss real estate market: Moderate growth, decreasing transactions, and stable interest rates.

The Swiss real estate market is currently undergoing significant changes, with trends that deserve special attention. Despite a challenging economic context, Switzerland continues to maintain a certain stability in its real estate market. In this article, we will examine in detail the figures related to price growth, declining transactions, stable interest rates, and prospects for the Swiss real estate market.


 |  Ramzi Chamat

The Swiss real estate market: Moderate growth, decreasing transactions, and stable interest rates.


The Swiss real estate market has recently undergone in-depth analysis, revealing intriguing trends. Property prices are currently experiencing moderate growth, with an annual increase of 1.3% for houses and 0.8% for apartments. This growth, while modest, contrasts with the annual inflation rate of 1.7%, hinting at developments in the Swiss real estate market within an uncertain economic context.

I. Real Estate Price Growth in Switzerland

Real estate price growth in Switzerland is a crucial aspect of the current real estate market. The latest data reveals a nuanced picture of this growth, with notable variations across regions.

Zurich: The city of Zurich is witnessing robust growth in property prices, with an increase of 0.9% for both houses and apartments. This performance underscores persistent demand in Switzerland's largest city.

Bern: The Swiss capital, Bern, also exhibits growth in house prices at 1.2%. This positive trend reflects Bern's attractiveness as a place to live and invest.

Geneva: In contrast, Geneva experiences a more modest growth of 0.7% for houses, while apartments show a slight decline of -0.1%. This indicates relative stability in this international region.

Basel: Basel, with a decrease of -0.5% for apartments, displays a slight reduction in prices, which can be attributed to specific local factors.

Lausanne: Lausanne follows a similar trend to Basel, with a slight decline of -0.3% for apartments, although houses maintain relative stability.

These figures illustrate the diversity of performance in the Swiss real estate market, with some regions showing positive growth while others experience slight declines. It is important to note that these variations can be influenced by local factors such as supply and demand, government policies, and other economic elements specific to each region. This diversity creates a constantly evolving Swiss real estate landscape that warrants careful monitoring for those interested in the Swiss real estate market.

II. Decline in Real Estate Transactions in Switzerland

One of the most striking trends currently shaping the Swiss real estate market is the significant drop in the number of real estate transactions. The latest data highlights an evolving dynamic, with figures raising questions about the underlying reasons for this marked decline.

Compared to 2021: Compared to 2021, real estate transactions in Switzerland have seen an impressive decrease of 25%. This substantial decrease reflects a considerable slowdown in the Swiss real estate market during this period.

Compared to 2022: Furthermore, compared to the previous year, 2022, the downward trend continues, albeit slightly mitigated, with a 13% reduction in the number of transactions. This development indicates that the Swiss real estate market continues to adjust to new realities.

Several factors can explain this significant drop in real estate transactions in Switzerland. Firstly, stable mortgage interest rates have not incentivized as many buyers to invest in real estate as might be expected. Additionally, global economic uncertainties, constantly changing fiscal and regulatory policies, and acquisition costs may have deterred some potential buyers.

However, it is essential to note that despite this decline in transactions, the supply of real estate often remains inadequate compared to demand in many regions, thus maintaining price stability. This situation also gives more negotiating power to buyers, sometimes requiring them to adjust their expectations and seek properties that align with market realities.

Ultimately, the significant decline in real estate transactions in Switzerland is a key factor to monitor for those interested in the Swiss real estate market. It reflects the challenges faced by participants in this evolving market and underscores the need for a deep understanding of these dynamics to make informed decisions regarding real estate purchases, sales, or investments.

III. Stable Interest Rates in Switzerland

One of the crucial elements shaping the current Swiss real estate market is the stability of mortgage interest rates, despite global inflation concerns. This rate stability has significant implications for market participants in Switzerland.

Currently, mortgage interest rates in Switzerland remain relatively low, at around 2.5%. This stability is even more remarkable given the inflation concerns affecting many global markets.

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has played an essential role in this stability by maintaining its policy rate at 1.75%. This monetary policy decision has helped keep mortgage interest rates at accessible levels for borrowers in Switzerland.

The impact of these stable interest rates on the Swiss real estate market is significant. Firstly, it offers potential buyers favorable borrowing conditions, which can encourage real estate investment despite economic uncertainties. Additionally, it can support price stability in real estate by preventing a rapid rise in interest rates, which could make mortgage loans less affordable.

However, it is important to note that this stability of interest rates exists within a constantly evolving global economic context. While the likelihood of a significant interest rate drop is slim, the Swiss economy is closely tied to global economies, and global economic challenges can have an impact on long-term interest rates.

Overall, the stability of mortgage interest rates in Switzerland is a crucial element to monitor for real estate market participants, as it influences decisions regarding purchases, sales, and investments. It currently provides favorable conditions for borrowers, but it is important to remain vigilant regarding economic developments and their potential repercussions on interest rates in the future.

IV. Future Outlook for the Swiss Real Estate Market

The outlook for the Swiss real estate market in the near future is influenced by a series of factors that create a complex dynamic. While global economic uncertainties persist, specific trends are emerging at the regional level in Switzerland.

Downward Pressure: The uncertain global economic environment exerts downward pressure on the Swiss real estate market. Concerns about inflation, constantly changing fiscal policies, and global economic worries contribute to this dynamic. This translates into a degree of caution among investors and buyers, which may lead to moderation in real estate prices in many regions.

Strong Growth in Some Regions: Despite this downward pressure, it is important to note that some Swiss regions continue to show strong growth. Cantons such as Grisons, Valais, and Zug, for example, record annual growth rates exceeding 3%. These regions may benefit from specific local factors, such as tourist demand, quality of life, or the availability of sought-after real estate.

Regional Diversity: Switzerland is characterized by significant regional diversity, and this is also reflected in its real estate market. Market performance varies from one region to another based on local supply, demand, and economic characteristics. It is essential to consider these regional factors to understand specific market trends.

Continuous Monitoring Required: Participants in the Swiss real estate market, whether buyers, sellers, or investors, must continue to closely monitor market developments and economic indicators.


The Swiss real estate market presents itself as an evolving landscape where complex figures paint a nuanced picture. Current trends highlight key elements such as moderate price growth, a significant drop in transactions, and stable interest rates. However, it is crucial to keep in mind that this market is influenced by a multitude of factors, and predicting its future remains a complex exercise.

The moderate price growth, reflected in divergent regional figures, showcases the diversity of the Swiss real estate market. Some regions maintain a positive dynamic, while others experience slight price declines. This underscores the importance of understanding local factors shaping the market in each region.

The significant drop in real estate transactions also raises questions. Stable interest rates have been a stabilizing factor, but global economic uncertainties have had an impact on buyer behavior.

Lastly, future outlooks indicate prudent caution, particularly due to the uncertain global economic context. However, pockets of strong growth persist in regions such as the cantons of Grisons, Valais, and Zug.

Ultimately, participants in the Swiss real estate market must remain vigilant and rely on in-depth analysis of figures and economic indicators to make informed decisions. The Swiss real estate market is dynamic and diverse, making it an environment where a nuanced understanding of local trends is essential for success.

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